Dom Pérignon P3 1993 Gift Box

Champagne, France

Temporarily unavailable
  • Best enjoyed neat. 

  • 8-10 °C

The maturation of Dom Pérignon occurs not in a simple linear trajectory, but in successive leaps into new expression, each of which are called Plénitudes. In the long journey of elaboration, the wine goes through this metamorphosis, a transformation. Each Plénitude contributes to Dom Pérignon’s singularity. In the darkness of the cellars, from one plénitude to the next, Dom Pérignon will grow and blossom, transmuting time into energy.There are three plenitudes in the life of a given vintage: the first window or plenitude is around 6-8 after the vintage, the second plenitude, or P2, arrives between 12-15 years after vintage, and the third plenitude, P3, comes after around 30 years, when the Champagne has spent more than 20 years on its lees. This is a stage in which maximum complexity is sought, very concentrated, with the most wisdom but with less energy.