Bodren Icewine

Continental Croatia, Croatia

Temporarily unavailable
  • Winery: Bodren
  • Year: 2015.
  • Alcohol: 9,5%
  • Volume: 0,375L
  • If you ever decide to pair this wine with food, let it be a once-in-a-lifetime dessert like a praline from Belvas, Wittamer or Godiva, but don't miss the opportunity to first try the wine on its own. You may not even need the dessert.

  • 10 °C

Bodren sweet wines are indispensable when it comes to predicate wines where natural grape sugars are concentrated by harvesting later than usual. The wines are simply masterpieces and  have won more than six Decanter golds in relevant categories, which is rare even among wine giants. A renaissance of new age flavors, hovering over a waterfall of hot chocolate. Imbued with threads of edible gold, vanilla, griotte, chestnuts, papaya. A true wine legend. An icy chocolate hedonistic experience that never ends.